The People Make the Place

The Territory is one of the most unique places in Australia, and we believe that it's the people that truly make it what it is.

To celebrate these people that make the Territory such an amazing place to live, we are giving two lucky Territorians a chance to WIN a luxury stay in the NT worth $2,500!

Submit a picture of the person you would like to nominate for this prize and the reason why they make the Territory special. Bonus points if the image is in a beautiful Territory location!

So, whether it’s the legendary barista at your local café, the neighbour that lets you borrow their lawnmower, the mate who takes you fishing in his boat or simply your mum, who makes every day a little bit easier, we want to hear about them!

Competition closes 11.59pm ASCT on 29 June 2023.

Terms & Conditions apply.

Share an image(Required)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
I agree with the Terms and Conditions of this competition, and am happy for Territory Day to share my submission.(Required)